iPad can access Desktop Virtual Windows

With VMware View Client, claimed iPad users can access a Desktop Virtual Windows, applications and data from anywhere. Combination with VMware View is said to deliver a modern desktop optimized for high- resolution multi- touch screen on the iPad.

VMware has just released an application is virtualized VMware View Client for iPad is available for free at Apple App Store. iPad more and more optimized for corporate activity.

IPad popularity in the business environment of the higher opening new opportunities for enterprise IT organizations to empower the workforce by providing access to critical business applications anytime anywhere.

Practitioners business in Indonesia are already familiar using the iPad for various purposes. Now, with VMware View Client to iPad, a tablet device that could become a reliable and safe means to increase productivity.

Children's Hospital Central California is one of 10 hospitals in the U.S. who recently installed VMware View to provide features 'Follow-me desktop'.

This feature allows the computer to the doctors and nurses to move virtually from one room to another when treating patients. The hospital also plans to install VMware View Client for Ipad.